Nouns | ||||
tera'ngan | Terran | tlhIngan | Klingon | |
Duj | ship | targh | Targ | |
Ha'DIbaH | meat or animal | 'Iw HIq | blood wine | |
romuluSngan | Romulan (the race) | romuluS HIq | Romulan Ale | |
verengan | Ferengi |
Verbs | |||||
HoH | kill | ghaj | have | ||
Suv | fight | Qong | sleep | ||
Sop | eat | tlhutlh | drink | ||
qIp | hit |
tera'ngan HoH tlhIngan | The Klingon kills the Terran |
Duj ghaj tlhIngan | The Klingon has a ship |
tlhIngan Suv targh | The Targ fights the Klingon |
Qong tlhIngan | The Klingon sleeps |
'Iw HIq tlhutlh tlhIngan | The Klingon drinks the blood wine |
Ha'DIbaH Sop targh | The targ eats the meat |
romuluS HIq tlhutlh verengan | The Ferengi drinks the Romulan ale |
Qong targh | ?? |
Ha'DIbaH Sop tlhIngan | ?? |
tlhIngan qIp tera'ngan | ?? |
targh Suv tera'ngan | ?? |